WeAreTheMusicMakers (WatMM) is a subreddit for hobbyists, professional musicians, and enthusiasts to discuss music-related topics, ask questions and share useful information. Welcome and enjoy the community! RULES FOR POSTING: The following rules are strictly enforced by the moderating team.
Hp Officejet 7110 Instruction Manual. Infringing posts will be removed, and the poster will receive a one+ day ban at the moderating team's discretion. • Self-made music goes in the weekly feedback thread (sticky).
Professional Midi Files. 15,000+ files each with free demos to download for checking the quality of each file.
• Music created by established artists may be posted to ask specific production questions. It may NOT be posted simply for its own sake. • Images should ONLY be posted if they’re genuinely interesting, relevant, or educational. Memes, and other “mildly interesting” images should not be posted.
Use the feedback thread. If you feel your post or comment was wrongly removed, please contact the mods, we’ll do our best to sort it out. If you disagree with the rules, you’re always free to explain your thoughts and proposed alternative. Reddit, I've taken some time to crawl the internet and combine my findings into a single collection to share with you all. I'm going to post this around in various places because I believe that this should be shared with as many individuals as possible.
• I made sure to crawl a large variety of websites and eliminate any duplicate files (I did this via checksum not filename and kept the longest file name). However there's a large amount of files that aren't as descriptive as others due to the way they were hosted and the way the page displayed the track data. While a humungous amount of these are clearly obvious, some may not be, just a warning! • That being said, this is the largest midi collection on the internet spanning numerous repositories past and present. I've done a lot of work to crawl hundreds of sites, download their entire publicly available midi (I didn't crawl paywall content but I've peaked behind and it's not much better than what's available in public), keep the best named uniques and organize them into a folder. • Genres include: Pop, Classical (Piano/Violin/Guitar), E D M, VideoGame, Movie/TV Theme I made this collection with the intent of ensuring that a large amount of well created music wasn't lost due to the sands of time or the frustration of 5 file downloads per hour restrictions.