LinkStation Setup Manual 1. (initial setting), from your computer, you will need to install. On Windows, click [start] - [All Programs] - [BUFFALO] - [BUFFALO.
Disassemble the HD-HLAN Unfortunately the LinkStation was not meant to be opened by customers, so Buffalo didn't make it easy. On the top and bottom of the case there is a small tab besides the grey frame, which you have to press down (e.g. With a screwdriver) to be able to move the frame to the front. On the photo below the location is marked red. After a few millimeters the grey piece snaps free and comes up. You need quite some force to do that, because the shiny front bezel is secured by two hidden screws (one in the top and another in the bottom of the bezel). Download Free Madness Project Nexus Hacked Download. With enough force and skill you may be able to tear the screws out of the case (fortunately the screws are small).
They remain in the shiny bezel. You may want to shorten the screws with a file now.
Before the case can be opened you have to remove a screw hidden under a sticker, below the fan (marked on the right side of the picture). Then press the four tabs on the top and bottom to remove the upper half of the case. Remove another four screws to be able to lift the board. Getting root access We need root access on the vendor's Linux installation to be able to flash a new firmware. Without the original disk it will become much more difficult.
You would either have to find a way to install the system onto a new disk with the help of a second machine, or use the JTAG port to flash the new firmware directly into the chip (in the last case you can skip all sections until ). For the KuroBox you can skip this section. The root password is known to be kuro. Serial O Crack Para Powerdvd 14. Also telnet access is enabled. The default IP of the KuroBox is Make a new user over the LinkStation's web interface.
We can use it to log in over the serial port. Log in into the new account and create a CGI file under /www which makes /etc/passwd writeable for all users. Link Station series HD-HLAN (HIDETADA) BUFFALO login: Besucher Password: Linux (none) 2. Best Of Cannibal Corpse Pdf Free. 4.17_mvl21-sandpoint #990 2004xxxx 13:39:00 JST ppc unknown Besucher@BUFFALO:~$ mkdir /www/cgi-bin3 Besucher@BUFFALO:~$ vi /www/cgi-bin3/exploit.cgi exploit.cgi should look like this: #!/bin/sh chmod 666 /etc/passwd Then enter the URL into your browser. When all went well, /etc/passwd is writeable now.
Edit it with vi and copy your user password ( /Jg58Gq9427qY in this example) over the current root password. Now you can log in with the same password into the root account. Root:dwqa1LabM8BgA:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash bin:*:1:1:bin:/bin: daemon:*:2:2:daemon:/usr/sbin: sys:*:3:3:sys:/dev: adm:*:4:4:adm:/var/adm: sync:*:6:8:sync:/bin:/bin/sync shutdown:*:7:9:shutdown:/sbin:/sbin/shutdown halt:*:8:10:halt:/sbin:/sbin/halt operator:*:12:0:operator:/root: ftp:*:15:14:ftp:/usr/sbin:/bin/false nobody:*:99:99:nobody:/home:/bin/sh Besucher:/Jg58Gq9427qY:101:1000::/home:/bin/bash The CGI exploit, which I described above, probably does not work with all Linkstation firmware releases.
It may fail with versions after 1.45. I was able to do it with 1.47 though. An alternative to this method would be to connect the hard disk to a second machine, which can mount the Linux file system, and replace the root password there.
• • Transfer the firmware into the share folder on the LinkStation. $ ftp mylinkstation Connected to 220 BUFFALO FTP server ready Name ( Besucher 331 Password required for Besucher. Password: 230 User Besucher logged in. Remote system type is UNIX. Using binary mode to transfer files. Ftp>cd share 250 CWD command successful.