Hello, I have a problem to export an InfoPath-form to pdf If the form is filled out, I want to make a pdf-file of it with an onclick-butten-event. Here is the code that I use: Sub print_OnClick(eventObj) Me.CurrentView.Export('C: MyView.pdf', ExportFormat.Pdf) //VB-Code 'XDocument.View.Export('C: MyView.pdf', 'PDF'); 'this.CurrentView.Export(@'C: MyView.pdf', ExportFormat.Pdf); //C#-Code End Sub If I implement this code, I can't open the form. It throws an exeption, that the form can't be opened. I tested all lines of code, but no one works. I also want to give the pdf-file a name like name_ID.pdf Is it possible to do this with the following code: var name = XDocument.DOM.selctSingleNode('//my:name').text; //VB-Code var ID = XDocument.DOM.selectSingleNode('//my:ID').text; XDocument.View.Export('c: name +'_' + ID + '.pdf', 'PDF'); Is it possible to do this all in JScript? Export the form with an individual pdf-file-name to the pdf-format programmatically?
Doing Economics Greenlaw Pdf more. - Form is fully trusted - I have the rights do save data at C: The form is built up in Infopath 2007 I also installed the add-in 'export to pdf or xps' Hope someone can help me. Best regards, Matthias. Lyon Healy Sax Serial Numbers.
Batch Convert A.XML InfoPath File To.PDF Using Powershell. Programmatically open infopath template file. Convert an Infopath form to PDF. SharePoint 2010 and 2013 enable you to create a document conversion job that runs on the timed interval of Word Automation Service, which works well to. TRY IT OUT: Converting PowerPoint Presentation Files to.pdf Files Using the New PowerPoint Automation Services (C14PPTAutomationSvcs.zip).