The method which allows players to cheat in the, is similar to the one used to. In other words, the mega-trainer used to activate the cheat codes in Duke Nukem Forever Demo was updated, and now it supports all retail version of the game. Practically, players who successfully cheated the demo version of the game, through the method explained in our guide, will just have to download the updated version of the mega trainer they used before. The trainer can be found on DLH.net. Those players, who didnt cheat in the demo version, can read the guide below which teaches them where to find the Duke Nukem Forever mega-trainer, how to install it and how to activate the cheat codes, while playing the full version of game, on PC. How to cheat in the full version of Duke Nukem Forever on PC.
Duke Nukem Forever, free and safe download. Duke Nukem Forever latest version: The macho hero is back to save earth once again. Duke Nukem Forever is the long awaited return for one of the most simplistic and macho video game. Jinke Marina Kannada Video Song Mp3 Download. Duke Nukem Forever, free and safe download. Duke Nukem Forever latest version: The macho hero is back to save earth once again. Duke Nukem Forever is.
The trainer which allows players to cheat in the full version of Duke Nukem Forever can be downloaded for free from DLH.net. It was developed after the games release and its compatible with all retail versions of Duke Nukem Forever; however it will work only if the game is played on PC. To activate the cheat codes, listed below, players will have to: Download the trainer from DLH.net Extract all files included in the Duke_Nukem_Forever_ALL_VERSIONS_+_7_Trainer.rar archive Copy the files in the games directory Run the trainer Launch the game Duke Nukem Forever Full Version PC Cheat Codes (Cheats) After the game is launched and the Duke Nukem Forever mega trainer is running, players will be able to activate the following cheat codes, by pressing the corresponding keys. INSERT – Enables the Duke Nukem Forever full version trainer. NUMPAD1 – Duke gets unlimited health (God Mode) NUMPAD2 – Duke gets unlimited ammo for all weapons NUMPAD4 – Set giant Duke ON NUMPAD5 – Set giant Duke OFF NUMPAD6 – Set gravity ON NUMPAD7 – Set gravity Off NUMPAD8 – Duke drains the health of his enemies. F10 – Set extra crosshair ON/OFF F11 – Show/Hide info and clock F12 – Show/Hide in-game menu HOME – Disable all cheats An additional cheat code can be used in levels featuring vehicles, such as the Monster Truck, or the RC truck. NUMPAD3 – Set vehicle overload OFF.
To activate this cheat code, press ALT+ F1 first. Source: videogamewriters.com.
.: Duke Nukem Forever. Publisher: Developer: Genre: Release date: Put on your sunglasses and prepare to step into the boots of Duke Nukem, whose legend has reached epic proportions in the years since his last adventure. The alien hordes are back and only Duke can save the world, again. Pig cops, alien shrink rays and enormous alien bosses won’t stop our hero from accomplishing his one and only goal: to save the world, save the babes and to be a bad-ass while doing it. Direct Download Link 1.