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My QuitBuddy is available free for download: My QuitBuddy is an app personalised to help you quit smoking, on your terms. Using My QuitBuddy you can choose when to quit. The UK's most popular smoking cessation app with unique features and a great user experience.

By 2014-04-03 10:04:46 UTC I started smoking for the same reasons most people begin the nasty habit: I was young and stupid. Like many teenagers, I could care less about the negative aspects of smoking. Money wasn't yet a burden on my everyday existence, the long term effects meant little to nothing and I had myself convinced that quick spritz of spray deodorant and some gum masked the smell well enough. Install Ubuntu Software Center In Kali Linux Raspberry here. The truth was that smoking, once a fun and social activity then began to control my life. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoyed smoking. In fact, I loved smoking. Smoking was always there for me.

It helped alleviate stress, introduced me to most of my good friends, it felt amazing and played a huge role in my daily routine. I would sneak a smoke break anywhere I could, and living in a city always provided a few moments to puff, when waiting for the bus or walking between destinations. The beginning of the end At age 22 I was up to a full pack a day, sometimes more. My family begged me to quit, but you can't just tell someone to stop smoking — they have to hit rock bottom, they have to want it. A few years later, at age 24 I was living in New York, the most expensive city in the United States, where cigarette prices are over $12 a pack.

There was now no way for me to further delay my mountainous, six-figure student loan debt. I simply couldn't afford to smoke anymore, and quite frankly, I didn't want to. Then a friend posted an of her app.

The nostalgia-based app allows you to see your photos and social media updates from exactly one year prior. Someone with whom I had once enjoyed many cigarettes had made it a full year without smoking, and I desperately wanted the same. Image: Instagram After some encouragement from friends and family, I started to seriously consider quitting for real. I had tried a few times before, but I had never put any calculated effort towards it. I began researching popular methods people use to quit, and stumbled upon an online support group on Reddit,. The encouraging community is a place for Redditors who seek motivation to quit, and is filled with stories, words of encouragement and advice. A yellow badge appears next to your username with a number, signifying the number of days since quitting.

Craving To Quit Smoking App

Image: Once I immersed myself in the subreddit, I found that the community extremely friendly and helpful. Unlike other places on the Internet, there were no trolls or hateful words toward those who sought advice. I quit Although I had yearned to quit, and had done some research in the method and practice I thought best for me, I never picked a specific time to quit. But when I awoke on New Year's Day with a splitting headache, reeking of an ash tray, I figured now was as good a time as ever. The hangover alone was enough to make me not want to smoke, so I knew the first day wouldn't be so bad. Searching for methods to quit smoking on the Internet is like searching for weight loss tips — there are thousands of different approaches that all claim to be the best, but not all is right for you. Image: Itunes App Store The patch seemed too weird for me, the gum made my mouth itch, prescription medication was definitely out; I had no insurance, e-cigarettes hadn't caught on yet, and reading a self-help book just made me feel like a drug addict, which I was.