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A distributed system security architecture: applying the transport layer security protocol, Published by ACM. [1] ISO/IEC 7498-2, February 1989, Information Processing System - Open Systems Interconnection - Basic Reference Model - Part 2: Security. Become a reviewer for Computing Reviews. Without doubt the security relevant standard of greatest significance published within the period is ISO 7498/2–1988. ISO 7498/1–1984 provides the basic open systems interconnection reference model. ISO 7498/2 describes the security architecture that may be adopted for providing security services within the OSI context.

Iso 7498 2 Security Model

The OSI reference model for networking (ISO 7498-1) is designed around seven layers arranged in a stack. The OSI security architecture reference model (ISO 7498-2) is also designed around seven layers, reflecting a high level view of the different requirements within network security. Pierrot Dictators Circus A Deformed Bud Rar File. Layers (ISO 7498-1) ISO 7498-2 Security Model Application Authentication Presentation Access Control Session Non-Repudiation Transport Data Integrity Network Confidentiality Data Link Assurance / Availability Physical Notarization / Signature Here's a very good on OSI model in reference to information security, by SANS Institute.