Lipstick Jungle is a comedy-drama series broadcast on NBC and based on the novel by Candice Bushnell. The show tells the story of three close friends who live and work in New York City.
Following the lives of Victory Ford, who is a high-end fashion designer, Wendy Healy, the president of a film company, and their best friend Nico Reilly, editor-in-chief of a major fashion magazine, the series depicts the importance of supportive friendships as the women explore new ways to advance in New York's business world. Having established themselves in their niche, the three women have each been dubbed by the New York Post as one of New York's 50 Most Powerful Women.
Lipstick Jungle Season 1 Episode 2 Torrent. TV news and opinion. Tap here to turn on desktop notifications to get the news sent straight to you. Lipstick Jungle - Season One. Lipstick Jungle: Season 2. Lipstick Jungle is what the ladies on Sex and the City might have been like. Download safe lipstick jungle season 2at TreeTorrent with new service. Lipstick Jungle Season 1 + legenda. Lipstick Jungle S02E01 HDTV XviD-LOL EZTV torrent.
As hard-driven career women, Victory, Wendy, and Nico will stop at nothing to advance their business and further their success in the big city. Although the powerful trio has achieved great success, each woman is plagued by her own personal woes.
Keygen Ebp Gestion Commerciale V16 Advocare. Victory, who was once regarded as the up-and-coming fashion designer of the New York fashion scene, has financial troubles that have forced her to work primarily from home. After an unfavorable critique of her Fall clothing line by the New York Times, Victory lost financial backing and subsequently had to close her fashion house.
With the help of her friends and love interest Joe Bennett, Victory then attempts to reestablish herself in the fashion world. Best friend Nico Reilly is also avidly involved in the world of fashion, but in a much different sense. As editor-in-chief for Bonfire Magazine, which is one of New York's most anticipated periodicals on fashion, celebrities, and culture, Nico knows all about how to embrace her professional style to achieve success. Her next goal is to make it big and become CEO of Bonfire Magazine.
Wendy Healy, who is the president of Parador Pictures, a major motion picture company, is married with two children. Wendy is often shown struggling to find a healthy balance between time dedicated to her family and time invested in her job. As career-driven professionals, the three women seek the ultimate sense of fulfillment by taking on an inspiring journey to find happiness, success, and love in the big city and know that the best way to achieve all three is to support your best friend in all her endeavors.
Because in the end, even high-powered career women need the support of close-knit friends to make it in the Big Apple.