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Lmtv Drivers Test

• The Army conducted a follow-on operat onal test of armored cab-equipped FMTV cargo variants at Fort Campbell, Kentucky, from October 9 to November 2, 2007. Lmtv Pmcs.pdf Free Download Here. 92, Drivers Training. PMCS and road test. Medium tactical vehicle (lmtv).

1 / 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption –: Members of the U.S. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School team pull a humvee out of a pond with a light medium tactical vehicle during the improvised explosive device lane at the U.S.

Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School's 6th Annual Truck Rodeo. (Photo Credit: Sharilyn WellsParaglide) 2 / 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption – (Photo Credit: U. Kramer Aluminum Bass Serial Numbers. S. Army) FORT BRAGG, N.C. Michael Hill, Company B, Support Battalion, 1st Special Warfare Training Group, gathered his team under the shade of a camouflaged netting for a short, but informative mission brief, Aug. Hill, the team leader for one of the U.S. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School teams, used his expertise and knowledge of the terrain to successfully guide his team through the USAJFKSWC's 6th Annual Truck Rodeo, sponsored by Co.

Bn., 1st SWTG during the week of Aug. '(The Truck Rodeo) is not only a friendly competition based on driving skills and vehicle knowledge, but it's also a training event for everyone around Fort Bragg,' said Capt. Andrew Eljdid, Co. Bn., 1st SWTG commander. 'We also want to bring attention to other 88Ms (drivers) to the special operations community.'

The events for the rodeo included a written exam on the technical aspects of different military vehicles, a driving skills portion and, for the first time, a field exercise was incorporated into the competition. 'We realized that MOS (military occupational specialty) skills are worthless if a Soldier can't perform those same tasks in a high stress environment,' explained Eljdid.