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Quantum Meditation Youtube

Brought to you by hypnosis and meditation master Burt Goldman 2 Personal Development Programs Video & Audio Journey Looking for something els. FREE Audio Sample 'Quantum Absolution' >Click to Reveal. Quantum Jumping is a way of motivating you to do things you were unaware you had the talent to do. A 7-module Recorded Video Training. While the Infinite Mind method won't turn you overnight into a master artist or chef, you can make a quantum leap forward in whatever you wish to experience. Module 1: Discover Your Parallel Selves The Key to Creative Mastery & Fulfilling Your Potential (Recorded October 12).

Among one of the most bizarre pseudo-scientific spiritual trends I have ever come across is Quantum Jumping. Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard Edition 32 Bit Iso Download. Without even explaining what it is, you already know that it’s going to be weird. So what is it? First you must understand the multiverse theory. That is to say that there are an infinite number of parallel universes out there. One Piece Op 10 Mp3 Download more. Since the amount is infinite, everything that could have ever happened has happened in one of these universes. This means that in a parallel universe you are the king or queen, in another, the greatest football player ever.

There is literally no limit since there are in infinite amount of your doppelgangers (you from an alternate universe). Ok then, I’ll let that one slide. Burt Goldman has taken it one step further. He claims that he can communicate with his doppelgangers, and offers to teach you for the incredibly affordable price of $100. The knowledge of the universe, the ability to become the master of anything, for $100, seems legit.

I was lucky enough to get my hands on a copy of his program. There are 7 CD’s each with a number of modules all designed to teach you the ways of Quantum Jumping. I have gone through each of these modules with an open mind, doing the exercises exactly as he says to do them. I will now go through them with you, and let you form your own opinion. Note: I had to listen to each of these modules twice; once to write my notes, and once to do the exercises.

The first thing you notice when listening to Burt Goldman, The American Monk, is that he likes to talk. So much so that it drowns out the message of whatever it is he is trying to say at that moment. This would make it difficult to listen to the most interesting of audio files let alone a lecture on Quantum Jumping. The introduction module is pretty self-explanatory; it gives you a brief introduction to what we will be learning. He starts by defining frustration. Everyone is frustrated about something, so everyone can relate. The American Monk explains that with his methods you can make your dreams come true by meeting a version of yourself from another dimension.

Bear with me. Neil Geoffrey Turok is the Director of Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics. His work has been in the area of mathematical physics and early universe physics, including cosmological constant and a cyclic model for the universe. Alan Harvey Guth is an American theoretical physicist and cosmologist. Guth has researched elementary particle theory.

Michio Kaku is an American theoretical physicist, the Henry Semat Professor of Theoretical Physics at the City College of New York, a futurist, and a communicator and popularizer of science. Information from Wikipedia. The American Monk starts to boast some pretty bold claims. Here are some of them: • Hall of fame photographer • Yet he doesn’t know anything about photography • Fantastic singer • Claims he can’t sing • His art hangs in museums • Says he doesn’t know the first thing about painting • Books sold around the world • He can’t write • Therapeutic Hypnotherapy Practice is world renowned • He doesn’t know anything about it • Considered a world class healer • Doesn’t have a clue how to heal • Says he is the most relaxes person on the planet • Also says he is under a great deal of stress • His poems are compared to T.S. Elliot • Doesn’t know anything about poetry Note: All of these claims are made by Burt Goldman, even the negative ones.

He says that his doppelgangers have taught him these abilities. How did he accomplish all of these amazing feats without having any idea how to do them? He calls it Parallel Dimension Quest (PDQ). But, he doesn’t get into it right now, only saying, “More on that later.” Now we are going to get a little more into the meat of Quantum Jumping by learning about source foundations. To put it simply (if it’s possible), a source foundation is the specific event that led to the current version of you. So in a sense, every choice you make is a source foundation, no matter how small. Contabilizzazione Spese Software Developer.