Great Deal, But Buy The Official Controllers This is a great deal for a great bundle. The SNES i got is in terrific shape and plays all my games perfectly. The power supply and A/V cable are in pretty good shape as well. The only real flaw i found with this purchase was the controllers. I was expecting the bundle to include 2 used, officially licensed, Nintendo SNES controllers, but instead they included 2 brand new, in-the-box, 3rd-party controllers.

I still gave this 4 stars because the controllers work, but they feel cheap. To justify the cheapness of them: when you shake the controller lightly you can hear all the buttons rattle, which would never happen on any kind of official controller from Nintendo. So overall, this isn't really a bad thing because they still work and seem almost as responsive as the official ones, but i'm going to be buying 2 of the official Nintendo controllers to replace these.
SNES Version Compare. The SNES Mini and. Scrivener Keygen Machine. The SNES Mini / SNES Jr uses the same S-CPUN chip and. I've seen two 1CHIP-01 consoles that were close in serial. I've seen two 1CHIP-01 consoles that were close in serial. The serial data line to the SNES CPU. See my serial number starts with. Snes 1 Chip Serial.
Not necessary, but for me i like the feel of the real ones. Otherwise, great purchase. Great nostalgia This product really speaks for itself, It IS the original Super NES, still in excellent working order w/ two perfectly good aftermarket controllers, the controllers are a little looser feeling and less precise than the the OEM controllers so I ordered used original ones to use, but otherwise the system functions just as well as it did in 1991, and all cartridges worked immediately flawlessly, system is clean and in good working order. It stands the test of time really as a great system. Good Super Nintendo Original super Nintendo that worked great. Packaged well and shipping time was reasonable, although it did take almost 2 weeks. Worked as intended and I like it very much.
The only thing I would mention is that the controllers aren't real super nintendo controllers. They are an aftermarket controller that looks like a super nintendo controller. They work of course, but are a bit loose and don't have quite the same feel to them as the original ones.
Only people who grew up in that era and had those controllers in their hands for hours on end would probably notice though.